Conservative Party voluntarily rotting from within. Shameless chancer Johnson bows out of latest Tory contest for Prime Minister leaving another rich public school boy to pull the wool over the electorate’s eyes.

Eight levers loosely fixed to check balance and movement.

Atrial fibrillation still persisting. I’m on two waiting lists. One for cardioversion and one for ablation. Doesn’t sound too good, does it? Well, it’s not particularly bad. The first procedure resets the heart with a small electric shock and the second procedure threads a line up to the heart and knocks out specific cells causing the fluttering heart beat.

I’m still running but only up to 5k and only 2-3 times a week. Could be worse.

The Conservative party members, salivating at the prospect of tax cuts and beguiled by the hypnotic mantra of “Growth….growth….growth,” chose someone with no presentation and little grasp of economics to lead their party and the country. The reality was they didn’t want a brown skinned man as Prime Minister. It wasn’t an issue that he was competent and a relatively safe pair of hands. A shining example of racism and greed.

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